Dear Greek friends: they are just ghosts!
I have been warning everybody for years. The end of the twentieth century set up the birth of a deplorable way of controlling masses. It is known as "the politics of fear” i.e. people are constantly distracted from their commitment to fight for their rights by ghosts as terrifying as nonexistent and/or inconsistent: the red menace (USA and Nixon knew that USSR was bankrupt both financially and military); radical Islam, SARS, mad cow disease, the bird flu, the public debt, deficits, inflation. And masses fall for it, actually, we fall because we are the masses.
The 'politics of fear' is currently forcing an entire civilization, the Greeks, to go back to a Middle Ages income, rights, dignity condition!
Believe it or not, it would just be enough for you, my Greek brothers, to realize they are, without a doubt, mere ghosts: the EU, the IMF, the ECB and the bewitching choir of the pigs working as journalists and hired by this system all. What you have to do is just "open your eyes and dismiss them from your mind forever".
Indeed, as the economist Marshall Auerback admirably wrote here http://www.neweconomicperspectives.org/2012/02/greece-and-rape-by-rentiers.html, all it takes for you Hellenes is "gain back the respect for yourself, tell the Troika (EU, IMF, ECB) to get the hell out of your lands, and further leave the Euro zone."
It's all there: no more complicated or dramatic than that. Amazing uh? They convinced you that you are on the brink of precipice, on your way to hell. Not true! Do what Mr. Auerback suggests, take on the Modern Money Theory (MMT) as your economic policy of full employment and full social state and learn from the Argentine case. They, the Argentines, in the end forced the other monster, the U.S., to give up showing its final hand at last. Would you like to know what was in there? Well, there was a ghost, again. A big and fragile bubble of dusting powder intimating a “Buuuuuuuuhhhh!” Argentines gained back their respect, told the U.S. to get the hell out and walked out with the dollar monetary union". Then the government took on the Modern Money Theory (MMT) and puff! The ghost was quickly gone. Over the following three years, past its economic default, Argentina was surprisingly worrying China through its remarkable economic growth! The same thing would happen to you, and Germany would have to worry about your growth."
Paolo Barnard
If any of you, Greeks, is reading me now, I tell you this: less talk, Barnard does not lie, come to the Summit of MMT in Italy on 24-26 February and ask Auerback and his academic colleagues if this is true (http://www.democraziammt.info/). Please do so. You really do not want to fall into that precipice just because of the words of an imaginary ghost. Believe me.
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφή(ΜΠΡΑΒΟ ΝΙΚΟ...)
Dear Greek friends: they are just ghosts!
ΔιαγραφήI have been warning everybody for years. The end of the twentieth century set up the birth of a deplorable way of controlling masses. It is known as "the politics of fear” i.e. people are constantly distracted from their commitment to fight for their rights by ghosts as terrifying as nonexistent and/or inconsistent: the red menace (USA and Nixon knew that USSR was bankrupt both financially and military); radical Islam, SARS, mad cow disease, the bird flu, the public debt, deficits, inflation. And masses fall for it, actually, we fall because we are the masses.
The 'politics of fear' is currently forcing an entire civilization, the Greeks, to go back to a Middle Ages income, rights, dignity condition!
Believe it or not, it would just be enough for you, my Greek brothers, to realize they are, without a doubt, mere ghosts: the EU, the IMF, the ECB and the bewitching choir of the pigs working as journalists and hired by this system all. What you have to do is just "open your eyes and dismiss them from your mind forever".
Indeed, as the economist Marshall Auerback admirably wrote here http://www.neweconomicperspectives.org/2012/02/greece-and-rape-by-rentiers.html, all it takes for you Hellenes is "gain back the respect for yourself, tell the Troika (EU, IMF, ECB) to get the hell out of your lands, and further leave the Euro zone."
It's all there: no more complicated or dramatic than that. Amazing uh? They convinced you that you are on the brink of precipice, on your way to hell. Not true! Do what Mr. Auerback suggests, take on the Modern Money Theory (MMT) as your economic policy of full employment and full social state and learn from the Argentine case. They, the Argentines, in the end forced the other monster, the U.S., to give up showing its final hand at last. Would you like to know what was in there? Well, there was a ghost, again. A big and fragile bubble of dusting powder intimating a “Buuuuuuuuhhhh!” Argentines gained back their respect, told the U.S. to get the hell out and walked out with the dollar monetary union". Then the government took on the Modern Money Theory (MMT) and puff! The ghost was quickly gone. Over the following three years, past its economic default, Argentina was surprisingly worrying China through its remarkable economic growth! The same thing would happen to you, and Germany would have to worry about your growth."
Paolo Barnard
If any of you, Greeks, is reading me now, I tell you this: less talk, Barnard does not lie, come to the Summit of MMT in Italy on 24-26 February and ask Auerback and his academic colleagues if this is true (http://www.democraziammt.info/). Please do so. You really do not want to fall into that precipice just because of the words of an imaginary ghost. Believe me.
Dear Greek friends: they are just ghosts!
ΔιαγραφήI have been warning everybody for years. The end of the twentieth century set up the birth of a deplorable way of controlling masses. It is known as "the politics of fear” i.e. people are constantly distracted from their commitment to fight for their rights by ghosts as terrifying as nonexistent and/or inconsistent: the red menace (USA and Nixon knew that USSR was bankrupt both financially and military); radical Islam, SARS, mad cow disease, the bird flu, the public debt, deficits, inflation. And masses fall for it, actually, we fall because we are the masses.
The 'politics of fear' is currently forcing an entire civilization, the Greeks, to go back to a Middle Ages income, rights, dignity condition!
Believe it or not, it would just be enough for you, my Greek brothers, to realize they are, without a doubt, mere ghosts: the EU, the IMF, the ECB and the bewitching choir of the pigs working as journalists and hired by this system all. What you have to do is just "open your eyes and dismiss them from your mind forever".
Indeed, as the economist Marshall Auerback admirably wrote here http://www.neweconomicperspectives.org/2012/02/greece-and-rape-by-rentiers.html, all it takes for you Hellenes is "gain back the respect for yourself, tell the Troika (EU, IMF, ECB) to get the hell out of your lands, and further leave the Euro zone."
It's all there: no more complicated or dramatic than that. Amazing uh? They convinced you that you are on the brink of precipice, on your way to hell. Not true! Do what Mr. Auerback suggests, take on the Modern Money Theory (MMT) as your economic policy of full employment and full social state and learn from the Argentine case. They, the Argentines, in the end forced the other monster, the U.S., to give up showing its final hand at last. Would you like to know what was in there? Well, there was a ghost, again. A big and fragile bubble of dusting powder intimating a “Buuuuuuuuhhhh!” Argentines gained back their respect, told the U.S. to get the hell out and walked out with the dollar monetary union". Then the government took on the Modern Money Theory (MMT) and puff! The ghost was quickly gone. Over the following three years, past its economic default, Argentina was surprisingly worrying China through its remarkable economic growth! The same thing would happen to you, and Germany would have to worry about your growth."
Paolo Barnard
If any of you, Greeks, is reading me now, I tell you this: less talk, Barnard does not lie, come to the Summit of MMT in Italy on 24-26 February and ask Auerback and his academic colleagues if this is true (http://www.democraziammt.info/). Please do so. You really do not want to fall into that precipice just because of the words of an imaginary ghost. Believe me.
Paolo Barnard
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήIf any of you, Greeks, is reading me now, I tell you this: less talk, Barnard does not lie, come to the Summit of MMT in Italy on 24-26 February and ask Auerback and his academic colleagues if this is true (http://www.democraziammt.info/). Please do so. You really do not want to fall into that precipice just because of the words of an imaginary ghost. Believe me.